AI Marketing - Why You Still Need a Human

A woman next to a computer keyboard. In front, is a transparent graphic that shows several different icons that you'd normally find online.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. With the advent of Chat GPT, ArtSmart, and other programs, it’s easier than ever to create content for your business. It’s no surprise that there’s also software available to help automate your marketing. However, automating your marketing is different from directing your marketing. That’s why I’m covering not just AI and marketing automations, but also why it’s important to still have a human element involved.

AI Isn’t the Full Marketing Solution

AI is great at a lot of things. It can predict commonly used phrases (such as when you’re texting on your phone), create images based on the input that you give, and even write entire blog posts. However, it still doesn’t do all of these things automatically. If you ask Chat GPT, “Please write a blog post about AI blogging,” then it will. But it may not include certain elements you hoped for. Plus, Google is getting better and better at weeding out AI from human writing (copywriters everywhere rejoice).

There’s also the fact that AI hasn’t yet gotten humor. Sure, some of the things it does is funny (such as adding extra fingers onto a picture of a person), but it’s a bit like an awkward high school student who doesn’t quite “get” what everyone’s laughing at. This means that if you want to be funny, you’re better off relying on people rather than AI.

That doesn’t mean that AI won’t improve in the future. Though I, for one, shudder at the idea of going to a live comedy show where I listen to a robot deliver hilarious one-liners for an hour.

AI is a Great Tool

Okay, I did mention some of the drawbacks about AI above, but I’m moving onto the good things. In particular, it’s a great way to maximize your time as a marketing professional (or as a company hiring a marketing professional). It allows a person to do a lot more in a day than they normally would. Writing blog posts, editing photos, creating ideas for content: All of this is a lot easier and faster with AI.

Like any great tool, though, it needs to be used wisely. You still need a human editor to get rid of those pesky extra fingers, or correct it when it gets some facts wrong in a blog post. You need someone to add in the flavor of humor, and direct its path. Plus, for things like video you still need a person to physically go somewhere and capture content for you to use for your marketing.

How to Use AI

Now that we’ve covered the good and the bad, we’re getting to the crux of the matter: How to use AI. Fun fact: I didn’t use AI at all to write this blog post. This is 100 percent, pure, free range human writing. I feel like it’s only fair, considering that I tout myself as a copywriter.

However, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t ask AI about some trending blog topics that I could use to boost my website’s SEO. I personally find that AI is a great idea generator for blog writing, and helps get rid of that pesky writer’s block that inevitably descends after a week off during the holidays (who can blame me? I’m still stuffed full of cheese and wine).

Similarly, I find AI is amazing for voiceovers and other content that I would normally need to outsource. Genny is a great example of this, providing quality voices without the need for a recording studio. Sure, you can still sometimes tell that it’s AI, but it’s a lot better than trying to record a voiceover yourself. However, I still need to decide what the voice says, how it says it, and what sort of voice I need for the content that I’m creating.


Overall, AI is a great tool for marketers. It helps expedite our workflow, and allows us to get things done faster. Of course, this does mean that we need to keep up-to-date with the latest changes in AI. Currently, there are hundreds of programs out there for blog writing, art, voiceovers, video, and more.

Personally, I recommend that you find the programs that work best for you and your needs, and learn to use them. If you don’t, you’re going to get left behind. Technology is evolving at a terrifying rate, currently, and it’s more important than ever to teach ourselves the latest tools of the trade before the inevitable robot apocalypse.

Questions about marketing and AI? Make sure to connect with me on Linkedin or reach out here on my website.


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