Email Marketing: Why It’s Not Dead

A person pointing at an email notification icon, which hovers over the laptop they're sitting near.

If you’re a marketer, you’ve probably experienced this at one point or other in your life. You send out an email that you think is great. It has all the right phrases and pictures and is sure to grab your potential customer’s attention. Then, it goes unopened, lost to trash or the depths of an inbox. Today, I’m taking a closer look at email marketing and how to get your content seen.

Capture Your Email Audience

It’s not a surprise that attention spans are shrinking with the advent of social media apps, such as TikTok. In fact, it’s estimated that the average human attention span has shrunk to 8 seconds. This means that grabbing your audience’s attentions is more important than ever.

So how does email marketing come into play? The fact is that emails are often deleted before they’re even opened. Your audience reads headlines like “sale today only,” and “don’t miss out on this special deal” on a regular basis. This means that you need to do something to stand out from the crowd.

Personalize Your Emails

One of the best things you can do is personalize your emails that you send out to your potential clients. Sure, it’s faster to do a one-and-done email blast to a list - but was it worth it if no one responds? If you take the time to create customized content based on each person, you’re more likely to guide your audience further down the marketing funnel. Below, I’ve listed out a few ways you can personalize your emails.

  • Names - By naming your recipient in the header of the email, you’re more likely to grab their attention.

  • Mention Something Personal - Do your research a see what business the recipient is involved with, or what they bought last. By tailoring the email to them, they’re more likely to respond.

  • Keep It Friendly - There are times for business correspondence, but there are also times to be friendly. Try to adopt a personable and friendly tone in your emails; you’re more likely to get a response.

Create Useful Content

One of the most important things you can do with your emails is create content that’s useful for your audience. As an example, you can provide a free download to new software, or a link to an online book that gives them more information about what they may be interested in.

Giving your audience something useful while also personalizing an email can ensure that they continue to open your emails not just now, but in the future. In fact, they may even look forward to your emails to see what comes next.

Don’t Overdo It with Email Marketing

When sending out emails, the worst thing you can do is sending out multiple of the same email. Eventually, your recipient is going to mark you as spam. No one wants their inbox filled up with emails just from one person. With that in mind, schedule your emails out to be once every two weeks, or once a month. That way, your audience remembers who you are, but isn’t overloaded by countless emails.


It can be hard to get noticed with email, but by following some of these recommendations, you’re more likely to be seen. It may take a bit more time than sending out a mass of emails all at once, but it can make all of the difference by just taking a bit more time and effort.

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